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                  Learn more about how ECE is adapting to the fall term here, with words from our Department Head, Steve Wilton.

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                  Our senior engineering students can help your organization solve its real-world challenges! We are accepting project proposals for September 2024.

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                  Jul 9, 2024 | Graduate Student Achievements

                  ECE Student Pramit Saha leads Imagine Speech Recognition Project

                  轻蜂加速器PC电脑版加速攻略_兰州新闻网 - lzbs:2021-5-19 · 轻蜂加速器率先采用全新的节点智能匹配算法,独享专线带宽,国内云计算数据中心,确保SLA数据传输稳定性高达99.9%!那么轻蜂加速器PC电脑版怎样 ...

                  Jul 9, 2024 | astrill怎么设置

                  Sara Hosseinirad Awarded Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship!

                  Sara Hosseinirad, a second-year doctoral candidate currently researching an automated closed-loop system of anesthesia, is the recipient of the Vanier Canada...

                  Jul 3, 2024 |


                  Fitness and health trackers have undergone rapid technological development in the past decade, allowing average consumers to now better understand their sleep...



                  Electrical and Computer Engineering
                  2332 Main Mall
                  Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
                  Tel +1.604.822.2872
                  Fax +1.604.822.5949
                  Email: info@ece.ubc.ca

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